About us

Flatandcomfy: More than Fashion

Welcome to Flatandcomfy, your online fashion destination in Spain! We are excited to have you here and want to share with you the inspiring story of our founder, Flatandcomfy

Our Founder: Flatandcomfy

Passionate about fashion from an early age, Flatandcomfy has always believed that clothing is a form of personal expression. Born and raised inΒ USA, Flatandcomfy carries in her heart the vibrant and unique spirit of this beautiful city, which is reflected in every garment you will find in our store.

Since her childhood, Flatandcomfy dreamed of creating a space where people could discover fashion pieces that were not only beautiful, but also told a story. Her vision was clear: to bring the elegance and charm of USA to life through fashion.

Flatandcomfy's Journey

Flatandcomfy's journey began with Flatandcomfy and her tireless pursuit of excellence. Each garment we carefully select in our store has gone through a rigorous selection process, choosing only brands and designers who share our passion for authentic, quality fashion.

Our mission

At Flatandcomfy, our mission is simple but powerful: to offer you an online shopping experience that reflects Flatandcomfy's passion for fashion and her love for USA. Each garment you will find in our store has been selected with you in mind, and we are committed to values of sustainability and ethics in all our operations.

We deeply value our customers and the planet we share. We work tirelessly to reduce our environmental impact and promote responsible business practices.

Join Our Community

At Flatandcomfy, we are not only an online fashion store, we are a community of fashion lovers who share Flatandcomfy's passion for authenticity and beauty in each garment. We're here to help you find the perfect clothing that reflects your style and personality, and we hope you find FlatandcomfyΒ USA a place where your love of fashion can shine.

Thank you for being part of our history and for choosing Flatandcomfy as your fashion destination. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us.

Thank you for your support and trust in Flatandcomfy!


Flatandcomfy's Team